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Customer Testimonials

As a Realtor I liked how easily I could navigate your report. You are very detailed yet wording kept simple so I even knew what you were describing. Thank you!!
Char Detro
Realtor for client purchasing
I had Tim do an inspection on a home I am trying to buy and I felt like he was very thorough. I had a different company do an inspection for me on another home and he missed so much I was astounded. I am very pleased.
Robert E Johnson
I had Tim do a Pre-Listing inspection on my home to get it ready to sell. Tim found multiple things that I was not aware of that helped us price our home accordingly. His fee was very reasonable, he spent about 3.5 hrs inspecting our home and stayed to answer all of our questions. We will definitely be using him for our inspector when we buy a home!
Jeff Harris
Tim was very professional, knowledgable and showed up 15 minutes early. His report was delivered that day and was very thorough and easy to understand. Tim took the time to explain to me how the major systems in this home work and gave excellent maintenance tips. I would highly recommend True Homes to family and friends.
Mark Andrews
The inspection process was very educational. This was my 5th home purchase and True Homes Home Inspections met all my expectations. I will definitely be using Tim on my next home inspection.
Jennifer Holstrum
Tim is very nice, professional, and knowledgeable. He has a willingness to help and affordable. I would recommend hiring Tim because he is passionate about his work and really takes the time to assess everything accurately. If you want to feel reassured he is a good way to go, I am reassuring you he is someone you should conduct business with. Overall, I'd like to say he is well rounded.
Nika J.
Tim has done two inspections for me in the last two months. I very much enjoyed working with Tim, he is very professional and spent a lot of time going over all aspects of the inspection with us. You made this part of home buying for me very easy. Thanks.
Stephanie Brand
Tim performed the inspection on our home for our buyers. He was meticulous. I recall thinking I would want him to inspect our next home which he did. Very professional and thorough. Answered all my questions.
Cynthia Goodanetz
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